577 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    The legal profession is to be congratulated that men of the great erudition of Dean Wigmore and the editors associated with him are devoting themselves so unselfishly to the heavy labor of presenting in fitting English form the masterpieces of continental legal literature. Though much may be said about the insufficiency of translations as a basis of scholarly work in -any subject, the fact remains that the great bulk of the legal profession, even those of a scholarly habit of mind, have not the linguistic ability necessary to use the original sources of knowledge. On the other hand the need of knowledge of European law is a most insistent one. Our continual round of precedent-grinding, on the basis of the naive political philosophy of the eighteenth century, has long since proved its inadequacy. The profession, or at least the better part of it, is beginning to look for some enlarging and enfranchising ideas, and is ready to welcome them from any source. Though much remains to be done in The detail of working out the history of our own system, we nevertheless have a solid basis of historical knowledge of the common law, thanks to the investigations of our scholars, English and American, in that field: The careful study of cases and the building up of our admirable series of casebooks have made the results of these historical investigations available to the student of our day. The next step forward must be to enlarge the basis of our scholarship by comparative study of other systems in their historical development and to get new points of view as to the meaning and tendency of legal concepts from the legal philosophies of other countries. The translation will give to the average member of the profession and to the ordinary student of law a chance to participate in or at least to keep up with the progress in the comparative and philosophic fields, and will serve the same \u27purpose in this new movement that the casebooks have served in interpreting and passing on the historical knowledge of our own system

    Note and Comment

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    The Law School - In common with all other law schools requiring college work for admission, this school has suffered a very heavy loss in attendance because of war conditions. This, however, is a matter for pride and not for discouragement for it means that our students have gone into the army or navy or other branches of the national service in very high ratio to their total number. And this is by no means due only to the effect of the Selective Service Act for from the very beginning our men have volunteered in great spirit and promptness. In 1917 fewer than two-thirds of the then senior class were present at the Commencement exercises to receive their degrees. Most of them had gone by the middle of May. All this indicates that the profession is living up to one of its high traditions of patriotic service

    Atomic wave packet dynamics in finite time-dependent optical lattices

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    Atomic wave packets in optical lattices which are both spatially finite and time-dependent exhibit many striking similarities with light pulses in photonic crystals. We analytically characterize the transmission properties of such a potential geometry for an ideal gas in terms of a position-dependent band structure. In particular, we find that at specific energies, wave packets at the center of the finite lattice may be enclosed by pairs of band gaps. These act as mirrors between which the atomic wave packet is reflected, thereby effectively yielding a matter wave cavity. We show that long trapping times may be obtained in such a resonator and investigate the collapse and revival dynamics of the atomic wave packet by numerical evaluation of the Schr\"odinger equation

    Calorimetry of Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We outline a practical scheme for measuring the thermodynamic properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate as a function of internal energy. We propose using Bragg scattering and controlled trap manipulations to impart a precise amount of energy to a near zero temperature condensate. After thermalisation the temperature can be measured using standard techniques to determine the state equation T(U,N,ω)T(U,N,\omega). Our analysis accounts for interaction effects and the excitation of constants of motion which restrict the energy available for thermalisation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Updated to published versio

    Serological Survey of Pigs From a Slaughterhouse in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    Maksud dan tujuan dari survey ini ialah untuk mempelajari akan kemungkinannya he­wan-hewan babi memegang peranan sebagai reservoir ataupun amplifier dari penyakit-penyakit zoonotic di Pulau Jawa. Survey ini di­jalankan bersama-sama dengan Namru-2 di Jakarta. Sebagian besar specimens yang berupa darah, berasal dari babi babi yang akan dipotong dirumah pemotongan hewan babi di Jakarta Barat, babi-babi tersebut ada yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah, Jawa Barat, serta sebagian lagi berasal dari babi-babi milik rakyat di daerah Kapok. Pengambilan specimens dilakukan sehari sebelum babi-babi tadi dipotong. Setiap pagi lebih kurang 150 ekor babi dipotong, dimana umurnya berkisar antara enam hingga 24 bulan. Pada survey ini telah dikumpulkan 399 specimens, sebanyak 227 specimens berasal dari babi-babi betina, 159 specimens berasal dari babi-babi jantan, serta 13 specimens berasal dari babi-babi jantan kebiri. Hasil Pemeriksaan Laboratorium. Pemeriksaan terhadap Toxoplasma. Dari 166 sera yang berasal dari babi-babi Jawa Barat sebanyak 46 (28 percent) me-nunjukan hasil positif (titer 1 : 8 atau lebih j Sedangkan 235 sera berasal dari babi-babi Jawa Tengah , hany a sebanyak 17(7percent yang menunjukan hasil positif (titer 1 : 8). Titer yang lebih tinggi (1 : 1024) juga di­temukan pada babi-babi yang berasal dari Jawa Barat.Pemeriksaan terhadap Brucella suis. Titer 1 : 320 masih diketemukan pada semua group, akan tetapi sebagian besar serum me­nunjukan hasil negatip. Sebagian kecil sera yang berasal dari babi-babi tua dari Jawa-Barat menunjukan adanya anti­body yang lebih tinggi dari pada babi-babi muda.Pemeriksaan terhadap penyakit Japanese Encephalitis. Pada semua golongan umur dari geographical-group dari babi-babi menunjuk­an adanya anti-body terhadap J.E. Sera yang negatip lebih banyak berasal dari babi-babi Jawa Tengah.Pemeriksaan terhadap penyakit Influenza. Titer yang menyolok terhadap penyakit Influenza A2 Hongkong terdapat pada babi-babi golongan muda maupun tua baik yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah maupun yang ber­asal dari Jawa-Barat. Meskipun demikian, babi-babi dari Jawa Barat lebih banyak menunjukan hasil yang positip dari pada berasal dari Jawa Tengah.Pemeriksaan terhadap Leptospira. Kebanyakan serum menunjukan adanya anti-body terhadap L. sentot L. pomona dan L. bangkinang. Sebagian besar serum yang positip berasal dari babi-babi Jawa Tengah

    Dynamics of the attractive 1D Bose gas: analytical treatment from integrability

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    The physics of the attractive one-dimensional Bose gas (Lieb-Liniger model) is investigated with techniques based on the integrability of the system. Combining a knowledge of particle quasi-momenta to exponential precision in the system size with determinant representations of matrix elements of local operators coming from the Algebraic Bethe Ansatz, we obtain rather general analytical results for the zero-temperature dynamical correlation functions of the density and field operators. Our results thus provide quantitative predictions for possible future experiments in atomic gases or optical waveguides.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Intelligent Software for Ecological Building Design

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    Building design is a complex process because of the number of elements and issues involved and the number of relationships that exist among them. Adding sustainability issues to the list increases the complexity of design by an order of magnitude. There is a need for computer assistance to manage the increased complexity of design and to provide intelligent collaboration in formulating acceptable design solutions. Software development technology today offers opportunities to design and build an intelligent software system environment that can serve as a reliable intelligent partner to the human designer. In this paper the authors discuss the requirements for an intelligent software design environment, explain the major challenges in designing this environment, propose an architecture for an intelligent design support system for sustainable design and present the existing technologies that can be used to implement that architecture

    Creation of gap solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We discuss a method to launch gap soliton-like structures in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates confined in optical traps. Bright vector solitons consisting of a superposition of two hyperfine Zeeman sublevels can be created for both attractive and repulsive interactions between the atoms. Their formation relies on the dynamics of the atomic internal ground states in two far-off resonant counterpropagating sigma^+ sigma^- polarized laser beams which form the optical trap. Numerical simulations show that these solitons can be prepared from a one-component state provided with an initial velocity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure